Her eagerness to save a young boy drives a trained assassin codenamed 13 (Aurora Ribero) to fight anyone who stands in her way, including her mentor (Hana Malasan) and her organization, The Shadow. An action movie by Timo Tjahjanto, The Shadow Strays produced by Netflix.
Netflix trusted HAI Studio for handling behind the scenes post production of this film. Neighbourhood was hired by HAI Studio to involve in this project as colorist.
Credit Team
Director Assisstant Director Script Writer Line Producer Cinematographer Gaffer
Timo Tjahjanto Wicky V. Olindo Anne P. Ralie Timo Tjahjanto Aisha Balinda Timo Tjahjanto Gemi Nuramdhiani Batara Goempar Tino Hendrawan
Sound Mixer Art Director Costume Design Make Up Artist Editor VFX Supervisor SFX Supervisor Sound Designer Colorist
Arief Budi Santoso Antonius Boedy Victoria Anastasia Yanizha Billa A. Dinda Amanda Andi Novianto Ade Gimbal Hiro Ishizaka P’Nu
BTS Offline Editing Editor
BTS Online Editing Colorist
HAI Studio Helmi Nur Rasyid Indra Sukmana Triyono Bagas Neighbourhood Tegar Dyon