TAK Studio Works x Neighbourhood

Category :
Short Film

Release Date :

Directed by :
Timoteus Anggawan Kusno

Produced by :
Leonardo Bigazzi


Amid the mass hysteria over the killings of alleged sorcerers following the collapse of Suharto’s authoritarian regime in 1999, a group of researchers discovers a sack of mysterious documents. As they sift through its contents—unsettling reports, enigmatic photographs, and fragmented recordings—they gradually piece together a hidden story: a secretive military project in which rural children were taken and subjected to covert experiments and indoctrination. Drawing from magical realism and mysticism, Kusno’s fiction utilises a blend of formats—including Super 8mm, Hi8, Video8, digital 35mm, and AI-generated images trained on historical and family photo archives—to speculate on the blind spots of Indonesia’s turbulent history.

After Colossus Produced with the support of VISIO Production Fund, in collaboration with Center for Contemporary Art Luigi Pecci Prato (Italy), Mondriaan Fonds (the Netherlands), kohesiinitiatives (Indonesia). Neighbourhood played a role in providing production support and sound design needs.

Credit Team

Ari Dwianto
Jamaluddin Latif
Nizar Tama

Assistant Director

Line Producer

Rafflesia 4 & Rampak Buto
Doctor, Shaman and Rampak Buto
Young Rafflesia

Timoteus Anggawan Kusno
Agge Akbar
Johannes Weill
Timoteus Anggawan Kusno
Leonardo Bigazzi
Anita Reza Zein

Assistant Camera
Art Director
Make Up & Wardrobe
Sound Recordist
Boom Operator

Behind The Scene
Poster Designer

Aditya Kresna
Aji Permana
Annisa P. Cinderakasih
Anis Mcaw
Fafan Putra Pratama
Prima Setiawan
Adi Safitra
Wulang Sunu
Maria Puspitasari Munthe

Offline Editor
Online Editor

Sound Designer
Sound Effect Editor
Re-recording Mixer

Krisna E. Putranto
Muda Budiman
Aftertake Post Production
Prima Setiawan
Hengga Tiyasa
Arib Amrussahal